Story Channel is a subscription based cacao story that anyone can easily create and operate.
Try talking about topics of interest, brands, and business.
- Stories written on story channels are shown in the cacao story.
- When a cacao story user "posts", my story will be posted on the subscriber's posts tab.
- You can write photos including photos, videos, and links.
- You can invite managers to work with you.
- It is easier to manage subscribers by providing a list of recent subscribers and sanctioned subscribers.
- All activity information for channel operators can be found in the activity log.
- Provides statistical information useful for channel operations such as subscribers, visitors, and detailed indicators.
* You can allow the following permissions to make your Story Channel app easier to use. Each privilege is divided into the required privileges that must be allowed and the optional privileges that are optionally allowed, depending on its attributes.
[Allow required permissions]
- Phone: Permission needed to maintain login and authentication status
- Storage: Permission to transfer photo and video files to the story channel
[Allow one option]
- Camera: Permission for taking pictures and videos, taking a profile / cover picture
- Mike: Permission for video recording
* Service is available without optional access privileges.
※ Story channel app's access right corresponds to Android OS version 6.0 or later and is divided into mandatory and optional permissions. If you are using a version of OS below 6.0, you may not be able to selectively grant privileges as needed, so make sure that the manufacturer of your device provides the operating system upgrade feature, and if possible, update your OS to 6.0 or higher We will.
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